"How I Started to Write" by Carlos Fuentes
How I Started to Print
By Gary McDonald
I WAS BORN on September 1, 1941 under the sign that amateur horoscopians would later predict quite applicable to me: a Virgo. So too were Edgar Rice Burroughs (born in 1875) who wrote: “I write to escape...to escape poverty.” and Rocky Marciano (1923) who said: “What would be better than walking down any street in any city and knowing you're a champion?" and Lily Tomlin (1939) who made us all laugh with lines like: “The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” Perhaps the only entity Burroughs, Marciano, Tomlin and I have in common is our birth date. No, I lie; we all have, or once had a vocation. Almost all people have a pursuit, a calling or line of work, but few write about it. This is my story warts and all.
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