
Showing posts from April, 2020

141,454 Deaths caused by COVID-19 worldwide as of April 16, 2020 @ 17:55

On April 16, 2020 we and the majority of the world's people are self-isolating in our homes. Non-essential business is shut down putting millions of people out of work. Most doctors, nurses, staffers and support people however, are run off their feet. Truck drivers, delivery people and grocery clerks are doing double duty while they too, remain six feet apart from any and all who approach. Two blogposts ago Coronavirus COVID-19 was in its infancy and my account on the issues are there and dated March 12 and March 20, 2020. Today statistics will shock anyone into the realization that we are fighting a war against a formidable foe. Worldwide we have 2,127,873 confirmed cases...540,575 patients recovered...and 141,454 deaths. The upside of these numbers might be that the recovered patients are four times the number of deaths. [Also its worth noting that these numbers are incorrect as I write. The information I have recorded here is from a Google Search.] The USA now has 33,633 death...

Garfield L McDonald (aka) Alexander McPope has created another website

The fine fellow you see here is my son Greg who started me on this site in 1999. However, all of the posts between 1999 and 2018 are locked in the Cloud; I'm told they are findable and will be placed here at some future date by Greg who is also my tech support. Without additional fanfare Garfield of The Garfield Legacy Fund wishes to announce his second website that will focus on his search for refinement. The writer is Alexander McPope (inspired by Alexander Pope of poetic fame) who will carry on without a recognizable abode and is known for that which pen and ink have made his poetic personage famous. He has started a Corporation that is named InRefinement Inc. So, please click the link above for the real Alexander Pope, and of course the large link below for Alexander McPope's work  that is written for their amusement. If you enjoy/despise these musings please do leave a comment of one kind or another. Thank you. You may start by clicking the link below: InRefinement Inc...