
Showing posts from November, 2018

MacBook Air November 29, 2018

After numerous trips to Apple studying the merits of iPad Pro and MacBook Air I bit the bullet on November 29, 2018 and bought the MacBook Air. The system and the people involved with this acquisition of electronic wizardry are top drawer. It's no wonder this company has topped the $1,000,000,000,000.00 threshold in Market Capitalization (if only for a short period this fall; and so did Microsoft due to their focus on cloud computing). Never-the-less I chose Apple once again, and I couldn't be more pleased with their online presence through the Apple App , the smart decor and welcoming attendants at the door, the knowledgeable and helpful staff circling the products' perfectly placed items and table tops, the ease with which these attendants discuss the features without appearing to Want or Need A Sale , the simple task of committing your purchase without budging an inch to his/her hand held device, to receiving the entire purchase in an impeccable beautifully designed box...

The Fifth Risk, Liar's Poker, Money Ball, The Big Short and others by Michael Lewis November 27, 2018

I have read the titles listed above, all written by Michael Lewis over a considerable amount of time. You can read his work by clicking on I'm currently diving through The Fifth Risk (purchased from Amazon) that deals with the USA government departments transition from the Obama to the Trump administrations. There are 2,000,000 employees in the government doing their daily work and reporting to their bosses who report to their bosses and on up to the top. It's the absence of qualified individuals to lead these departments that is the focus of this book. When Trump and Clinton won their respective party nominations the rules mandate a transitional team be put in place well before the election in November. This team seeks out agreeable candidates to head up all of the government's departments such as secretary of Defence, State, Commerce, Agriculture and a host of others and gets them on side and committed to take over the job after the inaugurat...

Duncan McGregor, Dean Grant, Ray Cassar, Chris Fraser, Don Cambridge, Romy Hahn

These gentlemen and one lady contributed significantly to my years in the Printing Industry. We worked together and became friends. I've singled these six only because we talked and met in November 2018. Duncan McGregor and I have luncheoned twice a year since our retirement and visited The Masters Golf Tournament to celebrate his 70th birthday in 2010. Dunc was the catalyst that caused my shift in employment at Arthurs-Jones from feeder to sales representative. We had met on several other occasions, this one at the coffee machine when he asked me if I'd like to join the sales department. Duncan had recently graduated from Ryerson and joined his father's printing company as a newly minted sales rep. Without a pause I said yes, and he said he would set up a meeting with his father. It was 1965 when Mr. McGregor and I met in his office after my shift feeding the Harris 35x45 two colour for my pressman Art Hill. Mr. McGregor had been in the industry in sales all of his wor...

Yuval Noah Harari's book "21 Lessons for the 21st Century"

I went to my mailbox at Greenway on October 21, 2018 and found this book. Greg had sent it to me; at the same time he had purchased a copy for himself. We've been doing this for several years now with several meaningful writings. Our procedure is to read and discuss the content (and merits or otherwise). We usually talk about it on the phone, and sometimes in person which can happen several times a year. This time Terryl and I scheduled a cruise to Cuba from Miami on October 25 with a return to Toronto on November 1, 2018; so I left this book at home and started my read asap. Greg started a new position in Shawinigan on November 5 causing his priorities to be altered so to speak. Professor Harari is 40 years old and lectures in History at the University of Israel. His knowledge transcends the study of past events and this book solidifies his well-earned position to discuss civilized nations of the world and, if I may, to predict future cultural aspects and habits of the world ...