
Showing posts from September, 2020

I've Been Away For Five Months, September 6, 2020

Thank you for visiting recently. I've been adding posts to for the last five months. Please have a look if you wish; I think there is some value there. We've included some of the meals we've produced in the oven and the Ninja Foodie that you might enjoy. But more importantly my son Rob and I celebrated our birthdays yesterday just with the two of us. We didn't take a cruise like we did in 2018 which is chronicled in this site, we just met and had a delightful Open Cork lunch and talked a whole lot about networking, getting ready for promotion in business, personal functions and more just like we did when he was 17 years old. Rob is 46 and living his life just the way he has structured it--and that is fine with me. I spent an hour reading my own work/posts on our Back-To-Back cruises in December 10, 2019 to January 30, 2020. In years to come my hope is that this material will interest my grand and great grand children and so on. The concept o...