
Showing posts from February, 2019

Jody Wilson-Raybould and Michael Cohen deliver their story February 27, 2019

February 27, 2019 was a big day for Politics in the USA and in Canada. Michael Cohen  and Jody Wilson-Raybould issued their side of their story to the interested, truth-seeking citizens of Canada and the USA. The fur was flying, as has been said, on both sides of the border. In Canada the former Attorney General Ms Wilson-Raybould had recently been demoted to Veteran Affairs and subsequently resigned her position from this Cabinet Post claiming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his executive staff had attempted to pressure her into changing her official position regarding a judicial opinion on SNC Lavalin. She stated all of this on National television and in session of an official Parliamentary Committee. The Globe and Mail had run an article two weeks earlier alleging that this pressure (without acceding)   preceded her removal from office to a lesser position in government. Shortly after the News report by The Globe she resigned from this position and would rema...

Donald Trump: A President Like No Other, by Conrad Black (February 2018)

They, (the learned political pundits) claimed Trump could not win the 2016 Presidential Election.  They thought that Hillary Clinton had it all wrapped up prior to Trump's nomination as the Republican Party's candidate. Mr. Black,  or should I call him Lord Black, thought differently. Why? He writes about American's place in world affairs and its status with the lower and middle class of American citizenry. Did Barack Obama raise the bar on either issue? He thought not. Most importantly he knew that Trump had the pulse of the people who had lost their jobs due to Globalization and Free Trade issues wherein millions of jobs had migrated to Asia and Mexico where hourly rates for routine labour was well below the minimum hourly rate for North Americans. With this mantra he led his charge, "Make America Great Again." Trump claimed he would toss out the Trade Agreements with most countries who have been "ripping off Americans for years." He claimed that Im...

There is Simply Too Much to Think About by Saul Bellow 1915--2005

"...When it came to wondrous lucidity in the service of an uncanny literary empathy– to a steady downpour of intelligence–to a direct contact with reality– to sensibility attuned to the contradictions and incongruities–he was unrivaled. The book of Bellow's correspondence collected several years back by Benjamin Taylor–the same intrepid editor who is the harvester here – t here is simply too much to think about further extend their sense of Bellow's extremely humane way of experiencing books, people, events and places. One witnesses his excited mind, in a molten state, running over." --Philip Roth This author was highlighted in a question corralling America's greatest writers--he was not included much to the writer's dismay. I read on about the excellence of Bellow's style, content and depth of thought in his work in fiction. I've been focused on non-fiction for the best part of a year now; so  I looked in the Port Credit library for subjects Mr....

Wayne Walker, Ann (Ames) Kay, Owen McBride,

FaceBook has brought another former AJ employee into my life after only 27 years this time. Somehow Wayne Walker's posts found their way to my Newsfeed and I was reading about his travels,  but mostly about his absolute love of family. He was emphatic in his love and attachment to his grandchildren, wife and sons. His vacations have been filled with world wide experiences whereby his family has been a large part of their success and enjoyment. All of this, and my memory of a young man working in AJ's bindery, a young man who wanted to be a salesman, led to his start in sales because Duncan and I liked his chances for success. We texted a few messages back and forth and set a date of February 7, 2019 for a luncheon at Cactus Club Cafe. I was twenty minutes early and Wayne was ten minutes early. One of the first things he said was that, "One must always be early, or at the very worst, on time for an appointment." We exchanged greetings with a man hug and he aske...

February 3, 2019 Ignite TV, Internet and Home Phone

February 3, 2019 A Rogers' technician will be here between noon and 14:00 to do the installation. We have been promised reception and quality performance beyond anything experienced to date, and, at a savings of $40 per month. This will be something to write about at a later date. February 8, 2019 The technician arrived 2.30 hours late on February 3. He apologized and got into the task and in no time three sets were wireless and ready to go; all with only one different remote for each of three tv's, as per our request. He gave us a demo and we were totally onside with the new technology. When he left everything was GO. Because we wanted to subscribe to the App called CRAVE that has 'Game Of Thrones' we called Rogers to add this and the Comedy channel to our account. In the middle of the conversation the set in the bedroom froze up. The operator we were speaking with could not help; she added the new stuff and passed us to another department. They suggested severa...