Robert Mueller takes the stand on his Report July 24, 2019
Most of America if not most of the world waited for his spoken words. Would they be Trump's undoing or would he crawl out and escape once again? Today was the long awaited pronouncement detailing Donald J. Trump's complicity regarding Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election in the USA. The warm up to this ground breaking testimony was palpable. Every news Chanel was on point when Mueller was sworn in by Congressional stalwarts, and my PVR was set to bring me the eight hours of enlightenment. I watched the first two hours and left for my Wednesday golf game at BGC. When I returned and visited the news/opinion broadcasts that evening my concerns/suspicion were well-founded. Mueller's performance was not explosive; it was not dynamic and did not sway the public; it was truthful just as the report was intended when written over a period of two and a half years and presented in its redacted form two months ago. Robert Mueller is 74 years of age and delibera...