Keeping One's Head Still...yes, it's about the golf swing

I'll call it an epiphany. On May 22, 2019 I recalled 'it'. "Keeping one's head still on the back and through swing until the ball is struck." A miracle occurred. 43 on the front and 42 on the back nine with a 21 handicap equals a net 64. Hallelujah. I am not playing again until June 12 as I look forward to the return match with the Brampton GC.

On June 12, 2019 (after our lovely Aunt Mabel's Cruise to Bermuda was in the books) I was scheduled to play with the guys at Brampton, and of course the same tip would be employed. It worked again; this time I wedged into the fourth hole on number 4 for a birdie net eagle, and holed-out from the bunker on Hole 16 for another birdie. The score for the day was 41 out and 38 in for 79. The record showed the last 79 or better had been years and years ago. I was stoked, while my legs and hips seized up at home. Our club has its Medal Championships on June 22 and 23 and I'm registered. BGC has its Men's Day event on Wednesdays and the website tells all -- including positions on scoring, teams and especially winnings for skins and other statistics. We are up $155.00 so far this season. I think I'll hit a few balls on June 15 to see if it's real. As Robin Williams always said, "Keep it real."

On June 19, 2019 the weather was gorgeous, sunny with a little cloud cover and very little wind. It was also Brampton Boys Day, with a 2;00 pm shotgun start with two man teams using a one net best ball scoring system. Pat Bertoli was my partner. My swing was okay but the short game didn't provide the unusual winning putts and close chips and pitches that we had last week. The score was 86 (7 shots higher than last Wednesday). During the round I toyed with the grip in the hope that things would improve. It was a 5:00 hour round and I was beat at the end. The highlight was the Alexander Keiths draft in the lounge after the game. I'm playing on the weekend: both days back to back which is a first in many years. It's our club medal championships and I decided to give it a try.

On June 22, 2019 I enrolled in the Medal Championships for higher handicappers at BGC. It's a beautiful morning and I'll be on my way at 10:00 thinking about those all important swing tips: the ones that shot a 79 on June 12. Well, I thought about them, utilized them and put the swing in play roughly 200 times over the two-day event. The problem that was clearly evident was rotation of the hips: it was not there; they just don’t rotate when the body is tired. It’s probably because the mobility is not there. Therefore I need the gym big time, right here right now.
End of story. Oh by the way, here is a photo of our Ladies and Mens Club Champions. It is Brook Rivers a fourteen year old phenom and Dave Bunker who is a Canadian Hall of Fame member.
Brook fourteen years of age. 
Dave Bunker...a seasoned pro but plays as Amateur.


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