Azamara Cruise November 30, 2022 to December 30, 2022

After three years of Covid 19 and feeling its' Pandemic Sting it's time to travel. [The photograph above is the cast entertaining all 250 of us during another AzAmazing evening in Montevideo, Uruguay.]

We have selected a cruise on Azamara Cruise Line leaving Lisbon, Portugal on November 30, 2022 that sails to Northwest Africa and the Canaries, Tenerife, Cape Verde, and crosses the Equator following Christopher Columbus' route to America. I'm sure there will be plenty of sun and warmth to please our passengers during the day and ample entertainment at night while crossing the South Atlantic Ocean to Brazil and further south to Buenos Aires before heading north to Rio de Janeiro and disembarkation December 30, 2022.

Dear Readers:
We are going to leave my original website (TGLF.CA) and take you now to my newest website where our Travelogue is completed on two separate posts. One starts at the beginning and because it was of considerable length we started another. They are titled Azamara Cruise November 30 to December 30, 2022 (Read this one first.) and the other is Azamara Cruise December 16 to December 30, 2022.
These posts are one click away if you will click this link: 

Thank you for your interest and, please leave a comment or reply to help us know you a little better..

Gary McDonald of {The Garfield Legacy Fund}
Alexander McPope {InRefinement Inc.} at
where either can be reached by email at


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